
DIN compliant fonts

Published Dec 09, 2024. Last updated Feb 06, 2025.

From 1 November 2024, German institutions and organisations have to comply with the DIN 91379 standard. LucasFonts offers font packages that meet this standard. They are marked with an EU in the package name. Already available in our Shop: TheSans EU5 and TheSans EU (e4s).

Preview of DIN PDF
Further information as PDF
  1. What is the DIN 91379 standard?
  2. Who has to fulfil it?
  3. How to fulfil it?
  4. Overview DIN-91379-compliant font packages

1. What is the DIN 91379 standard?

The explanatory name of the regulation is Characters and defined character sequences in Unicode for the electronic processing of names and data exchange in Europe. It is intended to ensure a certain character set of fonts. Put simply, personal names that are sent and processed between different institutions within the European Union should be able to be represented using this character set. This mainly affects people whose names were originally written in other writing systems (e.g. Chinese, Arabic, Tamil, etc.). This is because non-Latin scripts have to be transcribed for practical reasons.

2. Who has to fulfil it?

The standard is primarily aimed at authorities and organisations that operate IT procedures that serve the inter-agency exchange of data or the exchange of data with citizens and businesses.

3. How to fulfil it?

You need a font with the required character set. We already offer compliant packages: TheSans EU5 and TheSans EU (e4s). Other packages available on request. The representation of the special characters is more carefully realised than with system fonts such as Segoe UI, Aptos etc.

More information about the standard on Wikipedia.

4. Overview DIN-91379-compliant font packages

The DIN 91379 includes characters that must be covered (normative) and optional characters to represent Greek and Cyrillic texts (extended). For good typography, small caps are included in some packages, also DIN-compliant, and there are differences in the standard character set.

Package DIN 91379 Normative DIN 91379 Extended Small caps Default figures
TheSans EU (e4s) Proportional
TheSans EUe4 Proportional
TheSans EUe5 Tabular
TheSans EU5s Tabular
TheSans EU5 Tabular