Still and Otherwise
Category: Books + Newspapers
Designer: Jason Dewinetz
Year: 2005

Sina Queyras’s book Still and Otherwise was published by Jason Dewinetz’s Greenboathouse Books. Dewinetz, who also designed the book, now runs the Greenboathouse Press in British Columbia. He casts type with Jim Rimmer’s famous type-casting equipment and has reprinted several typographic texts, including Stanley Morison’s First Principles of Typography. Perhaps of most interest for us, Dewinetz is a Jan van Krimpen aficionado.

Dewinetz composed all of the text in Still and Otherwise with Luc(as)’s TheSerif. The book’s pages were digitally printed. Our studio copy of the book, which we photographed ourselves, is unsewn.

A close look at the text in the photograph above reveal’s Dewinetz’s use of TheSerif’s small caps. Really, small caps are a must for any proper book typeface.

About this book, Still and Otherwise the Greenboathouse Press writes that is:
A series of prose poems, Sina Queyras’ Life, Still and Otherwise presents snap-shots of framed minute detail. From “The Boys of Smith Street” to “The Meat Painter,” Queyras captures moments assembled in eerily beautiful tableaux vivants. These poems remind us of the French term for still life, nature mort (literally, dead nature). Not just poems about life per se these poems document the death of each moment: a clutter of polaroids marking things past. Descriptive and rich, each piece in this new collection comes to life in the reader’s mind.