
Every now and then Neville Brody asks a few friends to create an experimental typeface. This results in a new issue of FUSE (platform for experimental typography), with 5 fonts and posters. FUSE 11 has pornography as theme.
My contribution to this issue is a MultipleMaster font. The name of the font is “MoveMe MM”. MultipleMaster fonts contain two or more extremes. One extreme is a serious typeface, TheSans Black. The other extreme are more or less pornographic illustrations, based on the colourfull drawings in my sketchbooks. In November 1996 Luc(as) was invited to show his porno font and illustrations in the German television program “Liebe Sünde”.

You animate letters to illustrations by moving the slider in FontCreator. Fontcreator is built into Adobe Illustrator and QuarkXPress (Xtension) and also in the latest versions of Adobe Type Manager.

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Update 2.1: Variable font